Hey y'all! My name's Aster, and I'm a gay furry artist and (occasional) VN dev!
A doughy globe of a belly entered the office well before the thick badger it belonged to. Nik abruptly stopped halfway through the door frame. His hips brushed against the wood. His eyes shot open as he realized he was stuck. He turned his head in shame and pushed his way in, grunting.
Nik had never been a small man. He was as wide and sturdy as a bear, with a soft belly and plenty of muscle. It only took a glance for Avery to tell the badger had gotten thicker recently. A lot thicker. His shirt no longer covered his round gut, which jiggled considerably. His muscular arms had softened slightly. His belt was on its final notch yet it still dug into his waist, no longer necessary. Appearances aside, the badger had never gotten stuck in the doorway to his office.